8/21/19spectrumfitmoAug 20, 20191 min readWarm up 3 rounds 20 m wall ball run (4 wall balls, one @ a time)Sprint 100m5 air squats strength: front squat 6x4WOD12 min10 toes to bar5 wall walks 10 ball slams
Warm up 3 rounds 20 m wall ball run (4 wall balls, one @ a time)Sprint 100m5 air squats strength: front squat 6x4WOD12 min10 toes to bar5 wall walks 10 ball slams
Oct 15, 2019Warm up 5 rounds 25 plank jacks 20 mount climbers 15 sec plank hold 10 super mans 5 sit ups Strength: 3 pos carry 6 sets w Farmer, front...
Oct 14, 2019Warm up 2 rounds row 400 m 25 dbl unders 4 inch worms 30 second quad stretch Strength: 5x3 over head squat WOD 3 rounds 200m run 10 power...
Oct 11, 2019Warm up: Row 3 min 2 rounds 20 butt kickers/20 high knees - 4 burpees 20 butt kickers/20 high knees - 4 wall walks 5 inchworms 10...